Fleetcare | Website homepage on a laptop | Devotion
101% increase in pages per session.
57% increase in average duration.
66% increase in page views.

A lead generation and content-rich digital marketing platform, that showcases the new Fleetcare brand.


The challenge.

The solution.

Services performed:

  • UX research and design
  • UI design
  • Technical consulting, architecture and development
  • Ongoing support and performance optimisation
  • Transformation strategy
  • UX strategy
  • SEO strategy

The results.

Data compares 3 months to February 2019 (Nov 2018 – Feb 2019) to the same period a year prior.
101% increase in pages per session.
57% increase in average duration.
66% increase in page views.
120% increase in form submissions.
28% decrease in bounce rate.
101% increase in key page views.
Best Customer Success finalist in the 2018 Kentico Site of the Year awards.
Fleetcare | Responsive website on laptop, tablet, and smartphone | Devotion
Fleetcare | Website homepage iPad | Devotion
Fleetcare | Website novated solution calculator | Devotion
Devotion take the complex process of building a highly engaging digital presence and make it simple. They do this by taking the time to truly understand our business’s strategic goals, personas, customer journeys, products and services.
Kate Walker | Marketing & Brand Manager | Fleetcare.
Fleetcare | Fleetcare Finder on a smartphone | Devotion
Fleetcare | Fleetcare Finder screens on an iPhone | Devotion
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